Basic French questions

What's your name? / Comment vous appelez vous? or Comment t'appelles tu?

My name is (Firstname, Surname)
Je m'appelle (Prenom, Nom de famille)

Use vous when the situation calls for more formality (or also when you’re asking a group of multiple people their names). Use tu when the situation is more casual/informal.

How are you? / Comment allez-vous?

I’m doing well, and you?
Je vais bien, et vous ?

However, if you’re looking to be more informal, particularly when you’re speaking with a friend, “Comment ça va ?” or simply “Ça va ?” will do the trick. These are more like “Whatsup?” or “How’s everything?” Typical responses include “Ça va (bien)” (Everything’s good), “Pas trop mal” (Not bad), “Ça va pas du tout” (Everything’s going wrong), etc.

Where are you from? / D’où venez-vous ? / D’où viens-tu ?

I’m from (Place, City or Country)
Je viens de (Endroit, Ville ou le Pays)

Probably, you’ll hear people use être (to be) instead of venir (to come), as in “D’où êtes-vous ?” or “Tu es d’où ?” Basically, the versions that use venir (“D’où venez-vous ? / D’où viens-tu ?”) literally mean “Where do you come from?” while the versions that use être (“D’où êtes-vous ?” / “Tu es d’où ?”) literally mean “Where are you from?”

How old are you? / Quel âge avez-vous ? or Quel âge as-tu ?

I’m (age) years old
J’ai (age) ans

In English, we say “How old are you?” But in French, the construction literally means “What age do you have?”

In English we say “I’m 20 years old,” in French you have to say “J’ai vingt ans” or, literally, “I have 20 years.”

Do you speak English/French? / Parlez-vous anglais/français ?

Yes, I speak English / French
Oui, je parle Anglais / français

When you’re in a place where the native language is not the same as your native tongue, it’s always helpful to know how to ask this question.

What time is it? / Quelle heure est-il ?

It’s 11 a.m. (p.m)
Il est onze heures du matin (soir)

Due to new technologie, This question isn’t quite so common anymore. But It was a pretty common question back in time.

What’s the weather like today? / Quel temps fait-il aujourd’hui ?

It’s hot/cold
Il fait chaud/froid

It’s a wonderful go-to question for small talk!

Do you know where I can find… ? / Est-ce que vous savez où je peux trouver… ?

That’s on the second floor
Ça se trouve au deuxième étage

This is great for when you’re shopping, walking out or even looking for a specific place.
Use it to ask where you can find the restroom, a specific classroom, etc...

How much does this cost? / Combien ça coûte ?

It cost (Price)
Ça coûte (Price)

When you’re at the cash register, just memorize how to ask so that you can prepare yourself (and your money) adequately for the payment.

What’s your occupation? / Quel est ton métier ?

I’m a/an (occupation/job)
Je suis un/une (métier/boulot)

It is useful for asking ask about a person's job or career.

Can you explain in French/English to me? Peux-tu m'expliquer en français / anglais?

Can you translate for me?
Pouvez-vous traduire pour moi ?

When you need to solicit someone’s help in understanding something in French.

Could you repeat that, please? / Pourriez-vous répéter, s’il vous plaît?

Here are questions very useful if you are any speaking difficulties.

Could you please speak more slowly?
Pourriez-vous parler plus lentement, s’il vous plaît?

How do you spell that?
Comment ça s’écrit ?

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